Another day in the hide.

When the alarm went off at 03:00 am this Sunday morning I did not jump out of bed, the bed was unusual confy this morning so I have to drag myself out of bed. 30 minutes later, after a cup of coffe and some breakfast I was packed and ready to go to the eagle hide in Gysinge. It is a 1 hour drive to get there so a arrived just before 05.00 am. In Gysinge I met up with som other photographers and we went out to the hide while it still was pitch black outside. Once in place in the hide we rigged our gear and pour a cup of coffee and then the waiting for the eagles starts. After a couple of hours the ravens starts to appear and then some crows and magpies and then some eagles show up and lands in the tree tops on the other side of the mire, too far away to get photos. In the next hour maybe 10 more eagles showed up and land in the three top on the other side. Then after maybe an hour some of the eagles starts to make fly-by’s and check out the hide and the food. The food on the menu this day was mostly fish. After maybe one more hours the first eagle land in front of the hide an started to eat and that was the signal for all the other eagles so just in a couple of minutes all eagles was feeding in front of the hide in great light and right in that moment the early wakeup call felt so worth it. I got lots of great pictures and here is some of them.
