Kestrel morning

This morning I took a short trip and visited the kestrel nest near my home. This years chicks is very skittish (as the parents), so it was a bit har to get close to them. I had the fortune to watch them have breakfast and manage to get close enough to get some images.


Another day with the buzzards.

The buzzards are still visiting me at my pop-up hide and I heard the white tail eagles a couple of times but the never came down to the hide.


From a pop-up hide.

I got me a new popup hide to be able to get close to and take images of more skittish animals like birds of prey . I have now used it for a couple of weeks and this is some of the images i got so far. I got visits almost every day from a Buzzard couple and from lots of ravens and magpies and some crows and I had a very short visit from a white tail eagle.


Northern Hawk Owl

I had heard of people seeing an Northern Hawk Owl not far from my home so I took a short trip to see if I could find it. And shure there it was in the top of an dead tree. I was lucky to get some picture of this little tough owl.


Pine Grosbeaks invation.

This winter we have a big invasion of Pine Grosbeaks in my home town Uppsala and surroundings. I found a littel group of Pine Grosbeaks in a rowan tree munching on rowan-berries.


Young kestrels

Every summer kestrels use to nest in a nestingbox just outside Uppsala where i live. This summer the nesting kestrels manage to raise 5 young kestrels. I spent a couple of days with them and got some decent images of them.


Kenya - Samburu, Naivasha and Masai Mara.

Me and my son went to Kenya to experience the african nature and come face to face with Africa’s storybook animals, not behind bars but moving free across the savannah and may be take a couple of photos.

We spent a couple of days in the Samburu National Reserve and was lucky to see "The Samburu 5", the Somali ostrich, the gerenuk, the Beisa oryx, Grevy's zebra and the reticulated giraffe. These five animals are endemic to Samburu. After Samburu we drove down to lake naivasha where we stayed for one night and went on a boat safari. From the boat we saw hippos and lots of birds. After the boat ride we continued our journey towards Mara.

Masai Mara is world renowned for its exceptional populations of lion, cheetah, herds-a-thousand-strong of buffalo, zebra and wildebeest. We saw a lot of animals and I made a lot of pictures. This Kenya trip was a great experience and even if it was many hours in the car between the parks it was really worth it.


Close-up with a hare

Yesterday evening when I was checkng out a kestrel nest I met this hare. It did not seemed that much bothered by my presence and keept on doing it’s thing. When looking this close to a hare you discover how beautiful eyes they have.



This evening I made my first visit of the year to the site where the kestrels use to nest. The first thing I saw when arriving at the site was the male kestrel sitting on a pole just a couple of meters from the road and he did not pay any attention to me when I pull up just meters from him. I took all this pictures from the car.


Spring Hare

Now when spring has arrived there is time to photograph hares. Yesterday on my way home from work I saw two hares on a field close to my home. So I went home to get my camera gear and then went back to the field. The hares were still there eating the fresh grass and chase each other in the beautiful evening light. So I lay down on my belly and just wait for the hares to get close enough and after about half an hour I got these images.


Another day in the hide.

When the alarm went off at 03:00 am this Sunday morning I did not jump out of bed, the bed was unusual confy this morning so I have to drag myself out of bed. 30 minutes later, after a cup of coffe and some breakfast I was packed and ready to go to the eagle hide in Gysinge. It is a 1 hour drive to get there so a arrived just before 05.00 am. In Gysinge I met up with som other photographers and we went out to the hide while it still was pitch black outside. Once in place in the hide we rigged our gear and pour a cup of coffee and then the waiting for the eagles starts. After a couple of hours the ravens starts to appear and then some crows and magpies and then some eagles show up and lands in the tree tops on the other side of the mire, too far away to get photos. In the next hour maybe 10 more eagles showed up and land in the three top on the other side. Then after maybe an hour some of the eagles starts to make fly-by’s and check out the hide and the food. The food on the menu this day was mostly fish. After maybe one more hours the first eagle land in front of the hide an started to eat and that was the signal for all the other eagles so just in a couple of minutes all eagles was feeding in front of the hide in great light and right in that moment the early wakeup call felt so worth it. I got lots of great pictures and here is some of them.


A visitor from the north.

In the middle of January a not that common visitor appeared just outside the town where I live. A Northern hawk-owl had settle down in a small group of trees and have been staying there for more than 2 weeks so far. Yesterday I made a visit to the place and managed to get some photos of the owl.


Golden eagle session

I had a day off from work and got the opportunity to spend it in an eagle hide in Black river vally. During the day we had visits by a couple of diffrent golden eagles and a lot of white tail eagles. The eagles are very skittish and you have to move your camera very slowly, any movement can easily scare the eagle away for the rest of the day. When they have start feeding they are not that skittish and we had eagles as close as 5 meters from the hide. I got a lot of great pictures this day and here are some of them.


Fallow deer morning.

Yesterday morning was a beautiful autumn morning and perfect for some fallow deer photographing. I know a place just 20 min from my home where there are lots of oak trees and the fallow deer like to eat the acorns dropping from the trees during the autumn. The fallow deer originates from the Mediterranean countries, and it was introduced into Sweden in 16th century for royal hunting. Today, it is found in all of Sweden’s provinces.


Sri Lanka, It’s a jungle out there.

Me and my son took an 14 day trip to Sri Lanka this summer. The goal for this trip was to get som nice wildlifeimages and hopefully get some pictures of leopards. We went on some river and jungle safaris and we made visits to Udawalawe and Yala national parks. Yala has the world’s biggest concentration of leopards and lots of majestic elephants, sloth bears, sambars, jackals, spotted dear, peacocks, and crocodiles. We did get to see a lot of animals and we did get to see leopards a couple of times but unfortunately I did not get any great photos of the leopards. I did get a lot of other great images and are very happy with the trip.



Eagle hide

In the middle of February I did my yearly visit to the eagle hide in Färnebofjärden national park.  I and two other photographers arrived to the hide just before 06.00 a.m. while it still was dark outside. After setting up our gear and pour the first cup of coffe the waiting starts. After waiting for a couple of hours the first ravens appear and after one more hours of waiting there was some eagles landing in the tree tops on the other side of the mire and after 15-20 more minutes more eagles arrives. After a couple of hours there was at least 10 white tail eagles flying around on the other side of the mire but it was to far away to take pictures. Suddenly all the eagles decided that it was lunch time and came down on the carrion (two wild boar and lots of fish) in a feeding frenzy. The eagles stayed for about 30 minutes and we got some great photos before they left and went back to the tree tops on the other side again. Then it was totaly calm for about two hours until all the eagles decided that it was time to eat again an a new feeding frenzy started and it also started to snow, so we got some nice pictures of eagles feeding in the snow. This was a fantastic day in the hide and all of us got lots of great pictures.


One of the famous.

They've starred in a David Attenborough documentary, and their affairs frequently make the local news. Facebook groups are dedicated to them, and academics study them. They are a family of smooth-coated otters, and has adapt to living in an urban environment, prompting experts to marvel at the way the animals have flourished in relatively unnatural surroundings.

I went on a trip with my son to Singapore and the main goal was to find and photograph the famous otters. Just to go there and photograph the otters are not that easy because there is not that many otters and they move around in a big area. Most of the people living in Singapore have never seen the otters. We manage to get a short glimt of otters at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and I got some pictures but they were to far away for good ones. One day later we was walking around the “Gardens of the bay” and photographing birds and of course looking for the otters. We had walked around for may be 4 hours and there was no signs of the otters but we saw lots of birds. Then suddenly  we had the fortune to stumble over one of the otters hunting in the water just outside the "Cloud forest” and it had just caught a big Red Devil cichlid. I was lucky to get some really great pictures from a close distance.


Bearded reedling

This morning I took a trip to Hjälstaviken who is a lake with large reed beds. This time of year there is great possibilities to see and to photograph the bearded reedlings. When I arrived at the site and walk out in the reeds I could hear the bearded reedlings and catch some quick glimts of them but there was never any photo opportunitys. After walking around for a few hours I suddenly stumble over some reedlings on the pathway and I manage to get som nice pictures of them.


Safari in Kruger park, South africa.

I have just come back from a 9 day safari tour in kruger park. The park i enormous. It covers an area of 19,485 square kilometres (7,523 sq mi) in the provinces of Limpopoand Mpumalanga in northeastern South Africa, and extends 360 kilometres (220 mi) from north to south and 65 kilometres (40 mi) from east to west. It’s about the same size as the whole of Israel, a little smaller than Belgium and about a third of the size of Ireland. So even if kruger is one of the parks in the world with highest population of animals it's not so easy to see or find them. With greate safari guides and a bit of luck I managed to get some nice pictures.
