Waiting for the eagles

In the middle of February I did a new visit to the photo hide in Färnebofjärden national park. I and two other photographer arrived to the hide and at about 06.00 am we where ready to photograph some eagles, but it was still dark outside so we have to wait a bit. After waiting for a couple of hours the first ravens appear but still no eagles. After one more hours of waiting suddenly a Golden Eagle just appear from nowhere. The golden eagle stayed for about 30 minutes and we got some nice photos. The rest of the day was just a big wait. There was at least 7 - 8 white tail eagles flying around all day but the was to far away to take pictures and we could hear the call of the goose hawk but we did't see it so we sat there and wait until about 16.30 when we decided we had enough. So it was a lot of waiting, but we get some nice pictures of the Golden Eagle.
