Eagle hide

In the middle of February I did my yearly visit to the eagle hide in Färnebofjärden national park.  I and two other photographers arrived to the hide just before 06.00 a.m. while it still was dark outside. After setting up our gear and pour the first cup of coffe the waiting starts. After waiting for a couple of hours the first ravens appear and after one more hours of waiting there was some eagles landing in the tree tops on the other side of the mire and after 15-20 more minutes more eagles arrives. After a couple of hours there was at least 10 white tail eagles flying around on the other side of the mire but it was to far away to take pictures. Suddenly all the eagles decided that it was lunch time and came down on the carrion (two wild boar and lots of fish) in a feeding frenzy. The eagles stayed for about 30 minutes and we got some great photos before they left and went back to the tree tops on the other side again. Then it was totaly calm for about two hours until all the eagles decided that it was time to eat again an a new feeding frenzy started and it also started to snow, so we got some nice pictures of eagles feeding in the snow. This was a fantastic day in the hide and all of us got lots of great pictures.
