Fishing ospreys.

went on a Osprey photo session with a company "Birdsafarisweden" last Saturday. Our guide on the trip was Lars-Erik and he has been feeding the ospreys for about 8-9 years now. We went out on the lake mälaren with his boat and it did not take more than a couple of minutes before the first osprey showed up. Lars-Erik feed them fish that they happily dive after close to the boat and some time to close to the boat to get the whole bird in the frame. We spent about 3 hours with the osperys and I get a lot of nice pictures. At the end of the session a white-tail eagle come to visit and catch our last fish and I get some picture of that but it was a bit to far away to get greate pictures.

The osprey, is an amazing raptor to watch and to photograph fishing . But it's not that easy to follow the bird in a dive and holding the Auto Focus point on the bird the entire way down. So sometimes you miss the picture and sometime you nail it. Here are some of the pictures I manage to get this day.
